Thursday, February 4, 2010

Princess 3rd Birthday Invitation Wording Where Can I Buy 12 Childs Tea Cups And Saucers For A Princess Tea Party With Out Buying 3 Full Tea Sets?

Where can I buy 12 childs tea cups and saucers for a princess tea party with out buying 3 full tea sets? - princess 3rd birthday invitation wording

Where can I get 12 cups of tea for children and plates of Part granddaughters my princess or a big birthday tea drinking enough? Birthday of my granddaughter, 3 and 4 Complete 3 sets with no tea Buy


motherly... said...

try yard sales and goodwill value, or the local thrift store or 3 ... You can mix and match, and it does not matter if they break .. It would be great .. Fun, oh, and sometimes children do not like tea consumption has a backup offer .. Good luck

AnswerLa... said...

You can buy them on this website for only $ 1 (or $ 7.20 for a set of 8), plus S & H: ...

We hope that your granddaughter has some fun!


terriean... said...

You could try eBay. You can find a few different ads for the same employer or go eclectic mix. (-:

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