Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Titanium Pins Surgery What Will Happen To All The Bits Of Titanium In My Spine When I Die And Am Cremated?

What will happen to all the bits of titanium in my spine when I die and am cremated? - titanium pins surgery

I know that you do not get burned if you wear a pacemaker, is determined what happened, all the parts if you need surgery or fractures of the spine have been recommended with plates and nails


beezneez said...

Ms Gee thats summat I never thought of that! Order to answer hope sumbody now do not think most about is my advice to leave, to the nature of the gon or go and ask a receiver if the company could be nightma now I think

Babz said...

My information is that sorts out the sheets after the combustion and ash, which are then passed through a cremulator then dispersed or disposed of in the family again. I think the titanium is removed.

They can be burned if you have a pacemaker, which was removed during the preparation phase of the deceased have.

Babz said...

My information is that sorts out the sheets after the combustion and ash, which are then passed through a cremulator then dispersed or disposed of in the family again. I think the titanium is removed.

They can be burned if you have a pacemaker, which was removed during the preparation phase of the deceased have.

Ricky D said...

Well, I did not know! I stents, but still prefer red somewhere in the air for a while, just in case, I'm only sleeping. I think it depends on if the materials are as toxic when heated at high temperatures.

The Music Guru said...

It would not melt in the heat of the incinerator. Trust me. A hip replacement, titanium, for example, your ashes after combustion, which is melted and used as raw material to be removed for something else. I assume therefore that the same fate of their concerts and much more.

stickadi... said...

After crossing the bone crusher dust that passes under a magnet and a metal detector to remove metals.

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