Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ethernet Server Can A "normal" Router Be Converted Into Print Server Using Ethernet To Usb Adapter To Plug Usb Printer?

Can a "normal" router be converted into print server using ethernet to usb adapter to plug usb printer? - ethernet server

In other words, I plug the USB printer to the Ethernet port of my router via Ethernet to USB. Does this work? I know it's too simple and straightforward. What am I missing / overlooking? Thank you in advance.


Anonymous said...

no ...

They have the process backwards ....

You can not have a printer with a USB-Ethernet Converter ... You can access your PC ... because (among other reasons) The printer driver is appropriate to the performing ...

Go to Tigerdirect.com and buy a print server and you are 30 buck!

Anonymous said...

Read this ...

Anonymous said...

Read this ...

Anonymous said...


an Ethernet connection for network traffic only USB directly to the printer, which will have nothing to do.

You need a device between the network and printer translates the information on your network information that the printer can understand. You need a print server. It will translate the information network and address of the printer via a printer driver and send to the printer.

Just think of it this way. It is more expensive Ethernet to USB adapter .... However, it is so expensive.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no ...

They have the process backwards ....

You can not have a printer with a USB-Ethernet Converter ... You can access your PC ... because (among other reasons) The printer driver is appropriate to the performing ...

Go to Tigerdirect.com and buy a print server and you are 30 buck!

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