Would you spend $1000.00 to keep your cat alive? - stone stuck in penis
My poor cat has bladder stones. I took him to the vet twice. The first time I did, because I realized that I was really pushing bad and when I saw the litter that had blood on him. I knew that it is wrong. So of course I sent him to the vet. She sent me home with an antibiotic to take every day and for a time worked. Even a week later. Became clear to me what exactly is happening again. I went to the vet and they took X-rays and discovered that was completely blocked. My vet then recommended that catheter. Note that my first visit to the vet $ 200 was my second $ 500 (for the liquor was / x-ray). My vet also recommended that I describe the hospital before he noticed he was urinating on himself, without leaving a catheter. Well,Accept the catheter and HES blocked again on Monday and explained that a further operation if they actually remove the tip of the penis, bladder stones that can walk, be active. He explained that this fixes the problem. (I have no idea why this is not recommended in the first place, especially because it had cured the problem) Anyway I'm in a situation like this the surgical removal of the penis is to remain at $ 1,000 and have spent much as it is. . about $ 700, and I did not have the means to keep spending. I'm not sure what to do, because this cat is like a part of my family and I love him very much. I think I wanted to hear other opinions. What would you do to me? Find a way to spend to make more money of tafter surgery, or let nature take its course?
To answer questions from other people:
His name is Salami.
He is 2 years.
and are currently in your home because the vet could do nothing for him, so I decided to surgery.
When an animal is older, with miles of him personally, I wonder whether it would be possible to continue. But your cat is 2 years that an animal that can live a fulfilling life in their 20s.
There is a huge project, but ownership of animals comes with all kinds of emergencies. If you are unable to pay for the operation and enjoy your pet for many years to come. If you can not afford it, can only ask the vet put the cat gently. It's much more humane than letting nature take its course.
I would say that even urethrostomy perineal works. In combination with a diet of wet food, especially to lock the cat probably never. Your vet does not recommend this type of operation, at first, because it's more a finalResort, drugs, diet and changes in survey is the first attempt.
You can ask your vet if you can a payment (payment of a small amount each month to make the operation) or see on the implementation of CareCredit, which is like a credit card for medical expenses.
Good luck with this decision is not easy.
Yes, I would. If after the operation is obvious that for reasons that suffer for the rest of your life, then put him down. Otherwise, especially in this age, what I can to help.
my dog has a stroke and veteran has completed all of us these unnecessary tests, deceived cost 10,000. Then a few years later, swallow a Peach Pit to the left of the operating gardeners still 3500th have been countless other things, snail, poisoning, etc.
yes indeed. and me!
Yes, of course I want to devote a large part of it! =)
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