Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hiv Statistics Are HIV Statistics Still Higher In Gay Communities Than In Other Minorities?

Are HIV statistics still higher in gay communities than in other minorities? - hiv statistics

I just saw a documentary from 2006 as "meth", which had about 10 very intelligent boy gay, according to the crystal meth and HIV that ... In this phase, there is a new key population statistics for HIV? I think, yes, gays and lesbians have taken the weight of the stigma of AIDS for too long


ArĂȘte said...

I read that the highest rate of HIV is heterosexual women. I'll see if I can quote a source.

Now, I could not find an up-to-date source that the world statistics. Some U.S. sources are, they are relatively up to date. ... ...

I have an article in 2009 If you have any questions in the penultimate paragraph reads: "In sub-Saharan Africa, approximately 59% of people with HIV are women."

Clearly, HIV / AIDS is more common among women in Africa because of unprotected sexual intercourse with infected men. But the United States is more common in men.

Hope that helps a little ...

Thius said...

If fault.Promiscuous your own sex.
1976.Many gay men in Los Angeles and presented by some doctors NYCarea ailments.It very rare that all these people had identified the same unknown virus.Years later identified and affected by HIV.
How it all began.

I researched.Read many books on this subject.
Gay gay saunas-dominated cities in the mid-1970s. This is where a encounter.That homosexual sex with a stranger's, like AIDS in the country.How the first virus has landed here began a mystery.Many think it is an African who emigrated to this country. I rented primates.He also happen to be homosexual.
I think it is the wrath of God.

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