For all the pokemon fans, how many of you remember Gold, Silver, and Crystal? - find pikachu in silver
Was not he the best? In the gold they had Pikachu follow you everywhere, in the money, all cities were the decent, A. "Citizens and Cristal de Plata, but he is like a little more material. I played all versions of all of them, and I appreciate all.
BQ: How many of you remember the Pokemon games for Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo 64?
Well, gold and silver, the same game with different final dungeon, and various Pokemon. Yellow is the game that makes you think that pikachu to follow you, from the 1st Generation. Cristal is the game of the "third phase", which always comes after the first two versions, by providing additional content, but hold back the market price.
Gold Heart Perl and two new games coming next year in the U.S. (which is already in Japan) released the remakes of gold and silver are very, very nice. I can not wait to get my Perl.
I have never played the most games in the stadium, but Pokemon Snap for the N64 is the best pokemon spin-off game I've ever played, hands down. I have Pokemon Stadium 64, and was ... mediocre compared to Game Boy games. And if the console is hampered by a gameboy, you lose.
I certainly do - I always have it! : D
But remember that gold and silver is different, apart from the difference between Pokemon, Silver, and Crystal would look like if it mainly a mixture of both, except for the absence of certain Pokemon.
I think you think of the yellow version that would still leave Pikachu Pokemon Red and Blue without a monitor (it would have been nice to have a Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur to follow? ") And various stories / Pokemon.
Hey, who could stage 1 a.m.-2 p.m. password? Again, I am my own originals: D
It can not throw them out) after so many years with (almost nine years or summit. The originals seem to be the best - and often better brand. I am from a heart of gold and silver are the soul: D pity there's no way they play on TV, as we have Y, B, R, C, G and S: (oh, Ruby & Sapphire: D
Pokemon FTW
hey, I've never played the games, but I usually watch cartoons lol, I remember when the first games released red and blue and it seemed that everyone was lol.
Do U Remember The Pokerap LOL ...
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